Cryptocurrency Taxation

The use of cryptocurrencies has grown significantly, bringing with it the need to understand how cryptocurrencies are taxed internationally. Cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, are typically treated similarly to other investment assets, meaning gains from them are taxable capital income.


Taxation is based on realized gains, meaning taxable income arises only when the cryptocurrency is sold, exchanged for another currency, or used to purchase goods or services. The amount of taxable gain is calculated by deducting the acquisition cost and any expenses incurred in acquiring the profit from the selling price. If you hold cryptocurrency for more than a year, you can also use the acquisition cost assumption, which can reduce the amount of taxable gain.

cryptocurrency taxes

Buying and Selling Cryptocurrency

Buying cryptocurrency itself is not a taxable event. From a taxation perspective, the situation changes when you sell cryptocurrency or exchange it for another cryptocurrency. The capital gain is calculated by subtracting the purchase price from the selling price. This means that if you sell cryptocurrency at a higher price than you bought it, you must report the gain on your tax return and pay capital gains tax on it.


It is important to keep accurate records of all cryptocurrency purchases, sales, and exchanges, as the tax authorities require detailed documentation for tax purposes. Using digital wallets and platforms that help track and document these transactions is recommended. This helps avoid potential issues with the tax authorities and ensures that all taxes are paid correctly.

Exchanging Cryptocurrencies

Exchanging cryptocurrencies is considered a taxable event. If you exchange Bitcoin for Ethereum, for example, the transaction is treated for tax purposes the same way as selling cryptocurrency. The taxable gain or loss is calculated by comparing the value of the cryptocurrency at the time of the exchange to its value at the time of acquisition. This can lead to tax consequences if the value of the cryptocurrency has increased since the time of purchase. Therefore, it is important to keep accurate records of all transactions to correctly calculate gains and losses for taxation purposes.

Cryptocurrency Mining Taxation

Income from cryptocurrency mining is considered taxable as soon as the cryptocurrency is transferred to the miner’s digital wallet. Mining income must be reported to tax authorities as income, which is taxed along with other income. If mining is regular and profitable, it may be classified as a business activity, allowing related expenses to be deducted.


Staking, where cryptocurrency is locked as part of the blockchain verification process to earn returns, is similarly taxed. Staking income is taxable as soon as it is received in the wallet.

Gift Taxation and Donations of Cryptocurrencies

Gifting cryptocurrency can trigger gift tax if the gift’s value exceeds the annual tax-free limit. The recipient is responsible for paying any applicable gift tax. If cryptocurrency is donated to charity, the donation may be tax-deductible depending on the organization’s tax status and the donation’s amount. It is important to document such transfers carefully as tax authorities may require proof of the donation’s nature and value.

NFT Taxation

NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are digital assets that have recently gained popularity as collectibles and art. Buying and selling NFTs are taxed as capital gains. The gain is calculated by subtracting the original purchase price and associated costs from the selling price. If you create and sell NFTs, the income is considered business income, potentially requiring the payment of value-added tax and more detailed bookkeeping. The rapid development and complexity of the NFT market require investors to maintain precise tax records and reporting.


These points provide users with a comprehensive understanding of cryptocurrency taxation, including exchange, mining, gift tax, and NFT taxation. It is essential to document all cryptocurrency activities accurately to ensure proper and efficient tax compliance.

Experiences with Koinly and Divly

Koinly and Divly are specialized tools that help investors manage and report their cryptocurrency taxes. Both services offer automated solutions for tracking transactions and calculating tax liabilities, making them valuable tools for both beginners and experienced investors.


Koinly provides an easy-to-use platform that automatically synchronizes transaction data from various wallets and exchanges. It identifies gains, losses, and potential deductions, simplifying tax return preparation. Koinly also regularly updates tax information to reflect current regulations in each country, which is particularly useful in the complex and ever-changing cryptocurrency tax landscape.

koinly kokemuksia

Divly focuses on user-friendliness and offers a visually clear interface that helps users understand their tax situation intuitively. Divly also allows for easy input of cryptocurrency transactions and includes expert assistance if investors encounter uncertainties in taxation.

divly suomi

Both services offer comprehensive support in multiple languages, making them excellent options for cryptocurrency investors worldwide. They significantly reduce the bureaucracy associated with cryptocurrency taxation, allowing investors to focus more on their investments. User experiences with these services are mostly positive, particularly praising their automation and ease of use.


Koinly and Divly are effective tools that provide valuable assistance to cryptocurrency investors in managing taxes. They help investors navigate the complex world of cryptocurrency taxation, making them essential tools for any serious cryptocurrency investor.

Summary: Cryptocurrency Taxation

The growing popularity of cryptocurrencies has brought about the need to understand their tax requirements. Generally, cryptocurrency taxation follows the principles of traditional investment asset taxation, meaning that gains from cryptocurrencies are taxable capital income, and taxes must be paid on realized gains.


Exchanging, mining, gifting, and trading NFTs are all activities that require careful record-keeping and an understanding of tax implications. It is essential to document all transactions and their details accurately to ensure proper and efficient taxation. Koinly and Divly are examples of tools that help investors manage the challenges of cryptocurrency taxation, offering automated solutions and expert assistance in handling tax information.


Understanding cryptocurrency taxation and complying properly is critical for investors who want to avoid potential tax consequences and make the most of their investments. Continuous changes in tax legislation require investors to stay vigilant and keep their information updated to remain compliant with all necessary requirements.


Disclaimer: Always check the specific cryptocurrency tax laws in your own country, as regulations vary widely.